Round tables CHDR
Since 2007 year to date

Round tables CHDR
The Center for History, Democracy and Reconciliation organized a series of round tables attended by scholars from the countries of the region.
The idea is to popularize the professional and social importance of the topics covered in them.
The mission of all activities during the holding of round tables is to achieve a better development of democratic processes in the region through the knowledge of contemporary history in an atmosphere of dialogue and encouragement of free thinking.

Round table: Unresolved issues after the wars on the territory of the former Yugoslavia in the 20th century. century
On the 26th March 2009 In Rijeka, Croatia, the Center for History, Democracy and Reconciliation (CHDR) held a scientific round table.

Round Table: Independence and the Fate of Minorities 1991-1992
It is 1 on Zlatibor. 12. 2007. held a round table entitled “Independence and the fate of minorities in 1991 – 1992.” organized by the Center for History, Democracy and Reconciliation (CHDR).

Round table: War in Croatia 1991-1995
20. 10. 2007. In Zagreb, the Center for History, Democracy and Reconciliation organized a round table.