CHDR summer schools
since 2007 year to date

CHDR in the mission of spreading knowledge among young people
CHDR summer schools
The Center for History, Democracy and Reconciliation organized a series of summer schools that gathered students and young activists of non-governmental organizations from the countries of the former Yugoslavia.
The topics of the summer schools were related to those questions and problems from contemporary history, the objective knowledge of which can contribute to the improvement of democratic processes in the region .
Lectures were given by professors from: Croatia, Serbia, Greece, Germany and Hungary.

CHDR summer school: “It’s not a crime to be human”
In September 2015 In Novi Sad, a summer school for students was held in the organization of the Center for History, Democracy and Reconciliation.

CHDR summer school: “Holocaust and genocide – impact on regional stability policy”
In August 2015 In Golubić (Obrovački) in the Republic of Croatia, the second summer school for students and activists of the NGO sector from Croatia and Serbia was organized by the Center for History, Democracy and Reconciliation.

CHDR summer school: “Identity protection and the Holocaust”
In August 2014 in Golubić (Obrovački) in the Republic of Croatia, organized by the Center for History, Democracy and Reconciliation, a summer school for students from Croatia and Serbia was held.

CHDR summer school “Nations and identities – aspects and perspectives”
The student expert meeting “Nations and Identities – Aspects and Perspectives” was held 18. and March 19, 2013. organized by the Center for History, Democracy and Reconciliation.