Scientific papers
Center for the History of Democracy and Reconciliation

List of scientific papers from CHDR meetings in pdf format
The Center for History, Democracy and Reconciliation has published Proceedings after each held international meeting. At the final sessions of the meetings, joint conclusions are reached that help in the realization of the policy of regional stability and reconciliation.
Below you can view and download individual works from each collection.
List of scientific papers from 2022. years
- Darko Gavrilović: On the sacralization of the past and the need for heroism among Serbs and Croats - the impermanence of the memory of Thermopylae
- Federico Carlo Simonelli: The Lions' Retaliation
- Filip Škiljan: Heroic anti-fascism and culture of memory among Serbs in Croatia
- Ivana Blešić, Snežana Besermenji: Glamping - Possibilities of developing innovative forms of accommodation in rural areas of northern Dalmatia
- Radomir Kukobat: Integration of refugees in Vojvodina: finished or open process
- Snezana Besermenji, Ivana Blešić: Market appeal of the Krupa monastery
- Tamara Božović, Bojana Glišić: The slow food movement as a possible perspective for the development of rural tourism in Obrovac Bukovica
- Tatjana Pivac, Snežana Gužvica: Wine tourism of northern Dalmatia
- Davor Pauković: Croatian and Serbian journalism about the case of Miroslav Mlinar
- Janko Veselinović: Golubić declaration
List of scientific papers from 2021. years
- Darko Gavrilović: Possible solutions and problems in the process of establishing sustainable peace - peace education and conflict culture
- Davor Pauković: Croatian-Serbian relations in the shadow of the trauma of the 20th century: memories of the operation "Storm"
- Filip Škiljan: How peace was preserved in the last war between Croats and Serbs in Podravina, Kalnički Prigorje and Gorski Kotar
- Ivana Blešić, Snežana Besermenji: Potentials for the development of adventure tourism in Northern Dalmatia
- Janko Veselinović, Milica Veselinović: Development of rural tourism in the area of Northern Dalmatia as a chance for return and reconciliation after war conflicts
- Katarina Damčević: Myths, radical right meaning - making, and the question of the future
- Miloš Petrović: Isolationist narratives in Serbia as a legacy of the Yugoslav crisis
- Snežana Besermenji, Ivana Blešić: The possibility of developing equestrian tourism in Northern Dalmatia
- Tamara Božović, Tatjana Pivac: Slow tourism as an opportunity for the revitalization of abandoned rural areas in Northern Dalmatia
- Željko Vaško: Agrotourism on returnee family farms as a basis for the development of rural tourism in Northern Dalmatia
- Tatjana Pivac, Tamara Božović: Status and opportunities for the development of excursion tourism in the area of Dalmatinska Bukovica and Ravni Kotar based on cultural motives
List of scientific papers from 2020. years
- Aleksandar Stojanović: Anatomy of an extremism. Ratibor Đurđević and the rise of anti-Semitism in Serbia at the end of the 20th century. and at the beginning of the 21st century
- Darko Gavrilović: Extremism in Serbian-Croatian relations: staying in limbo or getting out of it
- Daniela Arsenović: Demographic changes of the Serbian population in Croatia
- Dinko Gruhonjić: Case study - two Serbias and one "Storm"
- Filip Škiljan: Demographic picture of the Serbian national minority settlement in Bania between 1991 And in 2011
- Ivana Blesić, Tatjana Pivac: The importance of digital technology and the possibility of creating a digital hub in the rural areas of Northern Dalmatia
- Janko Veselinović, Zoran Njegovan: Clusters as a possibility of effective association of goatherds in Obrovac
- Tatjana Pivac, Ivana Blešić: The importance of the Internet and social networks for rural tourism in Northern Dalmatia
- Tamara Ivanović: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion: An active generator of anti-Semitism, political extremism and conspiracy theories
- Snezana Besermenji: Market appeal of cultural heritage in Golubić near Obrovac
- Milana Živanović: Ideas and plans of the fight against communism in the ranks of the Russian emigration in the Kingdom of SHS-Kingdom of Yugoslavia
List of scientific papers from 2019. years
- Snežana Besermenji, Vladimir Stojanović: Cultural heritage of Vojvodina Croats in the function of preserving national identity
- Snjezana Mrđen: Changes in the demographic picture of the Obrovac region after 1991. years
- Ivana Blešić, Tatjana Pivac: The importance of researching the attitudes of the local population for the development of rural tourism in Northern Dalmatia
- Daniela Arsenović: Active population aging: a measure for the future
- Filip Škiljan: Disappeared settlements of the Serbian national minority in Croatia
- Janko Veselinović, Nikola Njegovan: Cluster development as a model for the development of the tourism and hospitality sector in Obrovac
- Darko Gavrilović: The importance of Croatian culture and the policy of regional stability in the preservation of Croatian national identity
- Nebojša Petrović: Some indicators of Croatian national identity in Vojvodina 1945-1955
- Tatjana Pivac, Ivana Blešić: Cultural associations and amateur art in the area of the city of Obravac
- Katarina Damčević: Hate Speech in Croatia – an Overview of Selected Approaches
- Miloš Galić, Željko Vaško: Development of rural tourism in north-western Bosnia and Herzegovina on the example of the locality of Peck
List of scientific papers from 2018. years
- Aleksandar Lukić: Serbian Republicans and Croatian National Republicans 1922–1925. years
- Aleksandar Stojanović: Quisling or Serbian hero? The personality and work of Milan Nedić in the Serbian media and discourse during the court process for his rehabilitation
- Bruno Vignjević: Layers of memory: Historiographical controversies of anti-fascist commemorations in Brezovica and Serbia
- Ivana Blešić, Tatjana Pivac: Potentials for the development of herbal tourism in Northern Dalmatia
- Daniela Arsenović: Demographic development and perspectives of the population of Northern Dalmatia
- Dino Buljat: Croatian-Serbian relations in Croatian (anti-)war film - building a collective identity through cinematic interpretation of history
- Darko Gavrilović: Creating a history of hatred; dominant narratives as potential distributors of international tensions between Serbs and Croats
- Filip Škiljan: Identity and memory; the example of Serbs in Zagreb County
- Tatjana Pivac, Ivana Blešić: Possibilities for the development of creative tourism in the rural areas of Bukovica
- Vjeran Pavlaković: Croatia's Contested Memoryscape
List of scientific papers from 2017. years
- Milorad Savić: Architecture and painting of Orthodox churches in Bilišani and Obrovac
- Dunja Demirović, Janko Veselinović: The importance of religious buildings for the development of tourism in the region of Obrovec (Croatia)
- Tijana Đorđević, Jasmina Đorđević: Cultural tourism as a factor of development in multi-ethnic environments
- Darko Baštovanović, Tomislav Žigmanov: European standards and the position of the Croatian minority in the Republic of Serbia
- Darko Gavrilović, Slobodan Marković: One look at seven hundred years of cultural and religious heritage of the Krupa monastery
- Tatjana Pivac, Ivana Blešić: The importance of Orthodox buildings in Dalmatia in preserving the traditions of the Serbian population from the point of view of displaced persons
- Daniela Arsenović: The impact of international migration on the population dynamics of developed countries
- Mirela Tomaš Simin, Zoran Njegovan: Organic production - added value in agritourism
- Janko Veselinović, Zoran Njegovan: Traditional diet of the rural population in Bukovica Obrovica
- Vesna Ivanović: A lesson about "our" refugees - a starting point for learning from the past for the future
- Filip Škiljan: Religious transitions from the Orthodox to the Roman Catholic religion in the area of the city of Zagreb and its surroundings in the period between 1941 and in 1945 years
List of scientific papers from 2016. years
- Darko Gavrilović, Miloš Savin: Anti-Semitism in Serbia at the time of the arrival of Jewish refugees in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia
- Tatjana Pivac, Ivana Blešić: Attitudes of the local population of Serbia and Croatia about refugees from Syria
- Ivana Blešić, Tatjana Pivac: Attitudes of refugees from the Middle East about Serbia as a country on the way to Western and Northern Europe
- Filip Škiljan: Serbs in Croatia in the first years after World War II
- Filip Škiljan, Marina Perić Kaselj: Forced migration of Hungarians from Croatia in progress and after the Second World War
- Darko Baštovanović, Tomislav Žigmanov: Rights of national minorities in the process of regional cooperation and EU integration in the Western Balkans - Hratska national community in Serbia as a bridge of cooperation between Serbia and Croatia
- Dunja Demirović, Janko Veselinović: Creating a rural tourist product in the Zadar hinterland on the example of Golubić (Obrovački)
- Zoran Njegovan, Janko Veselinović: Institutions of sustainable employment of persons in a disadvantageous position on the labor market on the example of Croatia
- Radomir Kukobat: Demographic growth of the population in Vojvodina and the influx of refugees from Croatia and BiH in the period 1991-1997
- Zoran Đerić, Vera Krmpot: Migration and the problem of intellectuals
- Daniela Arsenović, Milica Solarević: Migrant crisis - threat or opportunity to the aging population of Europe
- Ljubica Đorđević - The refugee crisis in Europe. Is multiculturalism really dead?
List of scientific papers from 2015. years
- Dejan Janković: Development of rural areas: a view through a sociological prism
- Dragoljub Jovičić: Conflict management strategies in business negotiations in returnee communities
- Darko Gavrilović, Jovana Mastilović: Holocaust Education and its Place in the Politics of Regional Stability and Genocide Prevention on the Territories of Serbia and Croatia
- Claudia Lichnofsky: Coming to terms with the past, and educational materials for combating anti-Semitism in Germany and Serbia
- Zoran Njegovan: Strategic planning at the local level - a project approach to rural transformation
- Zoran Đerić: The theme of the Holocaust in Yugoslav film
- Darko Baštovanović: The position of the Croatian national minority in Serbia in relation to the implementation of the bilateral agreement on the protection of the rights of national minorities between the governments of the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Croatia
- Davor Pauković: Mutual lawsuits for genocide of Croatia and Serbia: political discourse and impact on Croatian-Serbian relations
List of scientific papers from 2014. years
- Filip Škiljan: National minorities in Croatian Baranja between a rock and a hard place - the case of Baranja Germans
- Marina Perić Kešelj: Political transnationalism of Croatian emigrants in Chile: connecting Croatian and Serbian emigrants and the emigrant movement Yugoslav National Defense (JNO)
- Milan Micić: Migration and identity - colonists from Banat 1920-1941
- Julija Švonja: Preservation of the national identity of the Serbian national community in the Republic of Croatia through the development of the European Knowledge Society
- Dragoljub Jovičić: Necessity of applying a holistic marketing concept when managing organizations (companies) in returnee communities
- Ljiljana Dobrovšak: Croatian historiography and minority themes since 1990. to date - Selective bibliography
- Maria Kavala: An example of ideological propaganda through press: The "Anti-Semitic discourse of the newspaper Makedonia in Salonika (1930-1944)"
- Domna Koffa: Antifascist struggle and the Jews: The case of Yugoslavia and Greece
- Davor Pauković: Discourse on the constitutional language formulation in Croatia in 1989. in Croatian and Serbian journalism
- Janko Veselinović: Representation of the diaspora and members of the Serbian and Croatian people who live outside the borders of their home countries in the parliament and in the political life of Serbia and Croatia
List of scientific papers from 2013. years
- Susanne Bleiberg Seperson: Lessons for Living from the Holocaust
- Mario Bara: Cultural heritage of Croats in Vojvodina - models of its protection
- Tomislav Žigmanov: Policies of financing the culture of minority communities in Serbia on the example of Croats in Vojvodina in 2012. year
- Ljubica Đorđević: Language and Nationalism
- Maria Kavala: Aspects of anti-Semitism in Salonika, during the Nazi Occupation (1941-1944)
- Julija Švonja: Economic and social perspectives of the Serbian national community created by the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union
- Jolanta Ambrosewicz-Jacobs: Overcoming Silence. Examples of good practice related to education about the Holocaust in Europe.
- Jovana Krdžavac: Parliamentary diplomacy between Serbia and Croatia as a model for faster resolution of open issues
- Filip Škiljan: National minorities in Croatia and the breakup of Yugoslavia
- Stevan Mačković: Holocaust - education about the past, as a condition for a better future on the example of Subotica
- Davor Pauković: National construction in Croatia: sovereignty between national and supranational
- Janko Veselinović: Comparison of commercial legislation on the example of legal regulation of the position of commercial companies in the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Croatia
List of scientific papers from 2012. years
- Darko Gavrilović, Nemanja Dukić: Problems of transition in Serbia and the position of the Croatian national minority in Vojvodina
- Mila Dragojević, Vjeran Pavlaković: Serb and Croat Cooperation in the Discourse of Croatia's Commemorative Culture
- Davor Pauković: Comparative comparison of loyalty towards the process of national building in Croatia and Serbia
- Dinko Gruhonjić: Public advocacy of the initiative to form RECOM: RECOM and politicians
- Filip Škiljan: Housing issues - a case study of Serbs in Croatia
- Drago Župarić: From preservation of identity to assimilation: Current position and integration of the Serbian national minority in Zagreb
- Janko Veselinović: Resolving open issues between Serbia and Croatia in the newly emerging political circumstances
- Julija Švonja: Managing the development of informal education of the Serbian national minority in the Republic of Croatia as a prerequisite for regional development and improving the quality of life of all citizens of the Republic of Croatia
- Marina Ilić: Difficulties in defining the conflict in Croatia 1991-1995.
- Mario Bara: From non-recognition to realization of minority rights: Croats in Serbia after 2000. years
- Slaven Bačić: Guaranteed parliamentary representation of Croats in the Republic of Serbia in light of the agreement on the protection of minorities between Croatia and Serbia
- Stevan Macković: Backi Bunjevci between Belgrade and Zagreb (1918-1941)
- Tomislav Žigmanov: The policies of the Republic of Serbia towards the Croats through the prism of the construction of the so-called rebel nations
List of scientific papers from 2011. years
- Elazar Barkan: Reconciliation beyond subjective histories
- Filip Škiljan: Bosniaks/Muslims in Kordun in 1991. and twenty years later - a case study
- Vesna Ivanović: Refugees - twenty years later
- Davor Pauković: Preparation for war: 600th celebration. anniversary of the Kosovo battle near Knin in July 1989.
- Janko Veselinović: Realization of minority and status rights of Serbs in the Republic of Croatia and Croats in the Republic of Serbia from the perspective of the European integration of these two countries
- Darko Gavrilović, Nemanja Dukić: Political, economic and international factors that influenced the breakup of Yugoslavia
- Igor Graovac: Contributions on the disintegration of the second Yugoslavia at the dialogue gatherings of historians
- Dragutin Babić: Ethnonationalism, war and memory: for what culture of memory?
- Saša Marković: Discourse on the national identity of Serbs in Croatia at the beginning of the 90s of the last century
- Ivan Balta: Changes in the school system for the Serbian ethnic community in Croatia (1991-2011) with special reference to the teaching of history and school systems in Croatia at 19 and the 20th century
- Snežana Besermenji, Dragana Radić, Tatjana Pivac: War suffering of the source of European civilization - Vukovar
- Constantin Goschler: The German-Israeli Restitution Agreement: A Precedent for Historical Justice?
- Ranka Gašić: Review of the role of Serbian intellectuals in the events surrounding the dissolution of the SFRY
- Dinko Gruhonjić: The Gotovina verdict - The character of the war in Croatia through the media prism, 20 years later
- Mira Radivojević: The breakup of Yugoslavia in history textbooks
- Drago Župarić: Considerations of representatives of Zagreb Serbs on the cross-border cooperation of Serbs in Croatia with Serbia
- Tatjana Pivac, Igor Stamenković, Snežana Besermenji, Ivana Blešić: The possibility of connecting the border regions of Serbia and Croatia on the example of the development of wine tourism in the town of Ilok
List of scientific papers from 2010. years
- Darko Gavrilović: Yugoslav partisan film in Serbia and Croatia
- Filip Škiljan: Activities of the Serbian Cultural Society "Prosvjeta" since 1993. until 1997 years
- Jasmina Stojanović: Cooperation and exchange in the field of culture between Serbia and Croatia since the collapse of the former state
- Davor Pauković: Political relations between Croatia and Serbia - between European integration and historical heritage
- Janko Veselinović: Legal and political aspects of open minority and other interstate issues between Serbia and Croatia and accession to the European Union
- Snežana Besermenji: The role of sub-indicators of evocativeness in the rapprochement of Croats and Serbs on the example of Ban Josip Jelačić's birthplace
- Zoran Đerić: Serbian-Croatian film co-productions in the XXI century
- Mitja Velikonja: The return of the written off - The emancipatory potential of Yugonostalgia
- Vjekoslav Perica: The swan song of the civil religion of Titoism
- Dinko Gruhonjić: Media and dealing with the past - How to proceed?
- Mira Radivojević: Several paintings from the collaboration between Milan Rakić and Milan Ćurčin
List of scientific papers from 2009. years
- Vjekoslav Perica: Religion and Ethnic Nationalism: The Making of the "Church of the Croats"
- Filip Škiljan: Congress of Serbs in Croatia in September 1945. years
- Milan Ristović: An attempt to construct a "new tradition" and a "national myth": Milan Nedic and the "government of national salvation" 1941 - 1944. years
- Mira Radojević: The people, the state, the regime...
- Adnan Jahić: Bosniaks and the annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Saša Marković: Bunjevci between politics and the national project
- Zoran Jevtović: Anticommunism and Orthodoxy in the media of the Serbian diaspora during the 20th century
- Đorđe Stojanović: Ideational formulation of the enemy: the case of Serbia
- Janko Veselinović: Adoption of the Law on Diaspora and Serbs in the Region
- Ljubiša Despotović: Geopolitical function in the process of forming national identities of synthetic nations
- Momčilo Pavlović: Rotarians – Social elite in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia
- Adnan Jahić: On the failure of the nationalization of Bosnian Muslims in monarchist Yugoslavia
- Berislav Jandrić: Josip Broz Tito and the phenomenon of the Croatian Spring (1967 – 1971)
- Edin Radušić: National ideas and national development in Bosnia and Herzegovina 19. century - from religious to national identity
- Marko Attila Hoare: The national identity of the Bosnian Serbs
- Mila Dragojević: Linking Informal Social Networks and Ethnic Polarization: Survey Results from Novi Sad
- Vesna Ivanović: Croatian historical demographic situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (1879 – 1991)
- Ljubiša Despotović: Geopolitics of identity: Serbian national identity - political, religious, historical, cultural, ethnic and other factors as factors of its formation
- Mira Radojević: Josip Broz Tito and the roots of the Yugoslav federation
- Zoran Jevtović: Constructing ethnic identities in the age of media images
- Ranka Gašić: Yugoslavia as a national and state identity
- Vera Katz: Tito and the national question in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Sead Selimović: The question of the national distinctiveness of Bosniaks in Yugoslavia in the period 1945-1974. years
- Dragan Bogetić: Tito and the constitutional - first regulation of the national question in Yugoslavia. The period of centralized management of the federation 1945 - 1965
- Ivan Balta: Historical retrospective of the emergence of Croatian identity in the second half 19th and in the 20th century
- Darko Gavrilović: Slovenian national identity - The myth of Karantania and the Counts of Celje
- Aleksandar Bošković: Myth, politics and ideology: some theoretical assumptions
- Ana Dević: Waking the Dead (Who May Never Die): Ethnonationalist Politics of Dead Bodies and Graves in the War- and Post-War Serbia
- Ana Ljubojević: Transitional justice mechanisms and dealing with the past in Serbia and Croatia
- Davor Pauković: Basic elements of Serbian and Croatian newspaper discourse on the Second World War in the context of events in Croatia (1989 - 1991)
- Filip Škiljan: Researching the Second World War using the method of oral history in certain regions of Croatia (examples from Hrvatski Zagorje, Western Slavonia and Gorski Kotar)
- Gorica Atanasova: The role of public intellectuals in the process of Democratization and the Development of multiculturalism in post conflict Macedonia
- Milan Ristović: Collaboration in Serbia in World War II
- Vjekoslav Perica: Twilight of pan-Slavic myths
- Mile Bjelajac: Historiography of the Civil War in Yugoslavia 1941-1945. Comparative research
- Vjeran Pavlaković: Collaboration and Resistance: The Comparative Culture of Memory and Yugoslavia's Contested World War Two Past
- Aleksandra Đajić Horvat: Mixed Discourses on Mixed Blood: Yugoslav Mythical Terrains of Blood and Nation
- Kosta Nikolić: On the causes of the outbreak of the civil war in Serbia in 1941.
- Filip Škiljan: Activities of SKD "Prosvjet" since 1944. until 1971 years
- Ljubica Đorđević: The legal position of the Croatian national minority in Serbia
- Davor Pauković: Political transition and Serbs in Croatia
- Janko Veselinović: The position, importance and perspectives of parties of the Serbian and Croatian minority in Croatia and Serbia
- Vjeran Pavlaković: From Conflict to Commemoration: Serb-Croat Relations and the Anniversaries of Operation Storm
- Mira Radojević: Božidar (Boža) Marković and the Croats
- Vjekoslav Perica: The Church of Saint Sava in Split 20 years later (1989 – 2009)
- Sanja Ristić: Serbian-Croatian relations in high school textbooks in Serbia
- Dinko Gruhonjić: Reporting by the newspapers "Politika" and "Vjesnik" on the anniversary of Operation Storm, in August 2009.
- Ana Dević: Nationalist Hegemony and Its Subversions in the Post-Yugoslav Cinema
- Igor Graovac: Position of national minorities in Croatia and Serbia in the 20th century. century in the Dialogues of Historians with a special focus on the topics of Serbs in Croatia and Croats in Serbia
- Nebojša Petrović: The position of Croats in Vojvodina immediately after the Second World War
List of scientific papers from 2008. years
- Mila Dragojević: Assessing Policies for Economic Incorporation of Refugees in Serbia
- Adnan Jahić: A few remarks about the suffering and emigration of the Muslim population during the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes
- Vesna Ivanović: Refugees - a new world movement. Regional development - affirming the return?
- Srđan Šljukić: Social conflicts and their consequences: Serbian refugees and the myth of Krajina
- Vjekoslav Perica: The Myth of the Diaspora. Post-socialist discourse on emigrants and emigrants from the former Yugoslavia
- Ljubica Đorđević: Refugees and internally displaced persons in the Stabilization and Association Process
- Ljubiša Despotović: The position, perspectives and return of refugees and other persons displaced by the war in the territory of the former Yugoslavia in the second half of the nineties
- Edin Radusić: The attitude of the authorities and domestic political forces towards foreign settlers and refugee returnees to Bosnia and Herzegovina in the context of the struggle for the country in the first constitutional period 1910 - 1914.
- Boris Kršev: The role of political emigration in the creation of the first Yugoslav state
- Zoran Đerić: Serbian and Croatian cultural emigration in the 20th century
- Janko Veselinović: Obstacles to the return of Serbs to Croatia
- Željko Bartulović: Optants in the Nettun conventions from 1925. years
- Zoran Jevtović: Media (mis)use of refugees
- Elazar Barkan: Individual versus Group Rights and the Question of Refugee Repatriation
- Nebojša Petrović: The guilt of native Germans and crimes against the German population in Vojvodina after the Second World War - analysis of a document
- Filip Škiljan: The problem of medieval churches that were handed over to the Orthodox
- Vesna Ivanović: The perspective of cohesion policy and regional development in Croatia and Serbia
- Davor Pauković: Construction of the enemy: HDZ in Politika's column "Echoes and Reactions" 1989/90.
- Janko Veselinović: The return of refugees and exiled persons and the protection of minority rights, as a condition for the normalization of relations between Serbs and Croats
- Vjeran Pavlaković: The Independent Democratic Party and Antifascism, 1936–1939.
- Zoran Đerić: Serbian and Croatian film - Assumptions for writing the history of national and state cinematography
- Saša Marković: Vojvodina Bunjevci in the Kingdom of SHS in the light of Serbian-Croatian relations
- Mila Dragojević: Conclusions from the Conference in Golubić (near Obrovac), Croatia
- Mila Dragojević: Conclusions from the Scientific meeting in Golubić (near Obrovac), Croatia
- Mile Bjelajac: Some examples of Croatian-Serbian misunderstanding about the common military past
- Igor Graovac: The role of social and humanities in the development of relations between Croatia and Serbia: basic theses and previous experiences
- Ranka Gašić: "New Course" in the Serbian Independent Party 1903 - 1914 - a change in the paradigm of national politics
- Ranko Končar: Contribution to the historical periodization of Serbian-Croatian relations in the 20th century
- Ljubodrag Dimić: Where and how - Myths and knowledge about the history of Yugoslavia
- Igor Graovac: Stereotypes and myths about human losses (victims and sufferers) in wars during the 20th century. century in the territory of the former Yugoslavia
- Adnan Jahić: Some stereotypes in understanding the history of Bosnia and Herzegovina between the two world wars
- Srđan Šljukić: Myths and conflicts in the Western Balkans: an anthropological approach
- Vjeran Pavlaković: Myths and Symbols in Interwar Croatia: The Case of Matija Gubec
- Saša Marković: Integral Yugoslavism in Vojvodina - echo and party determination
- Nebojša Petrović: KPJ and the national problem in Vojvodina 1945-1950
- Natalija Jovanović: Myths and stereotypes in high school textbooks of Serbian society of the 19th century
- Zoran Jevtović: The myth of Greater Serbia - between political attitudes, religion, propaganda and nationalism
- Ljubiša Despotović: Myths and stereotypes in the function of geopolitics - Serbophobia and its sources
- Darko Gavrilović: The Myth of the Chosen People
- Janko Veselinović: Serbia's attitude towards Serbs in the surrounding area - truths and misconceptions
- Edin Radušić: People in Bosnia and Herzegovina have hated each other for centuries?! - How did it all start?
- Mile Bjelajac: Myths and stereotypes that outlived Yugoslavia
- Mira Radojević - Stereotypes about Yugoslavia
- Ranka Gašić: Serbian stereotypes about Germans and the perception of Europe
- Vjekoslav Perica: National churches of Serbs and Croats and the sacralization of the mythical past of the Second World War
- Darko Gavrilović: Two Questions About Chetniks that can be Taken as Possible Path for Opening The Controversies about The Role of Chetniks in The Second World War from the 1941 to the 1943.
- Mila Orlić: The Second World War in the territory of Istria and the phenomenon of "phobes"
- Ljubiša Despotović: The concept of a synthetic nation as a product of the ideology of confessional domination in World War II on the territory of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia
- Adnan Jahić: Bosniacs and Independent State of Croatia from hope and loyalty to bitterness and resistance
- The imagination of the WWII, Resistance and Collaboration in Yugoslav and Serbian Visual Media
- Ranka Gašić: WWII in the Serbian history textbooks
- Vjeran Pavlaković: Flirting with Fascism: The Ustaša Legacy and Croatian Politics in the 1990s
- Mile Bjelajac: Royalist Chetnik Movement – interpretations in local and international historiography
- Marko Attila Hoare: Muslim autonomism and the Partisan movement
- Ljubodrag Dimić: War and historiography