Get to know our activities
CHDR international scientific meetings
since 2007 year to date

CHDR in the mission of connecting the scientific community in the region
Scientific gatherings
In the past 15 years, the Center for History, Democracy and Reconciliation has organized more than 30 international scientific meetings.
At the scientific meetings, we gathered a large number of scientists from the region, but also important names from the world scientific community.
The main guiding idea of everyone at all our gatherings is to help in the process of democratization and reconciliation in our region .
The main topics of CHDR scientific meetings are in the areas of:
- protection and sustainable development of national minorities with an emphasis on Serbian-Croatian relations,
- culture of memory,
- Holocaust, anti-Semitism,
- refugees and migrants,
- political myths and
- policies of regional stability and reconciliation.
Take a look at the scientific meetings we have organized so far:

The Second World War and the national question in the former Yugoslavia
The Center for History, Democracy and Reconciliation from Novi Sad and the Tres Culturas Foundation from Seville organized an international scientific meeting in Seville (Spain) that brought together scientists from Serbia, Spain, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and the United States of America.