Edin Radusic
Board member
CHDR Board of Directors

Edin Radušić was born in 1970. in Udovičići, Foča municipality. Graduated in history at the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo in 1999. in Southeast European studies in Athens in 2000. in the year, master’s degree in the history of Bosnia and Herzegovina at 19 and the 20th century at the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo in 2004, a doctorate at the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo in 2008. years. Since 2009 He is a lecturer at the History Department of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Sarajevo. His scientific field is the history of Bosnia and Herzegovina at 19 and the 20th century in the wider European context. He is the author of several monographs and scientific works and co-author of a textbook and two manuals for history teachers for the seventh grade of elementary school. Edin Radušić is an active member of Euroclio HIP, Bosnia and Herzegovina.