CHDR projects
since 2007 year to date

The Center for History, Democracy and Reconciliation helps to establish a greater degree of democracy in society through various activities.
Our projects are aimed at strengthening and building civil society, both in Serbia and in the region.

Zagreb promotion of the book: “Serbs in Croatia – the path to preserving identity”
The promotion of the book by authors Darko Gavrilović and Janko Veselinović “Serbs in Croatia – the path to preserving identity” was held on 19 May 2022 at the History Festival – Kliofest in Zagreb.

Promotion of the book “Serbs in Croatia – the path to preserving identity”
The promotion of the book by authors Darko Gavrilović and Janko Veselinović “Serbs in Croatia – the path to preserving identity” was held on 16 March 2022 at the Faculty of Theology in Belgrade.

Minority Issues in Southeast Europe: Political Myths, Memories and Reconciliation – Towards a Peaceful Future
The Center for History, Democracy and Reconciliation in cooperation with the University of New York (New York University) during the month of April 2021. organized a series of webinars on political myths, memory and reconciliation: towards a more peaceful future.

Republika Srpska Krajina – political and demographic changes
Case study: Demographic development and population changes in the territory of the Republic of Srpska Krajina

Overcoming problems during the migrant crisis
A new project under the auspices of CHDR
The Commissariat for Refugees and Displaced Persons of the Republic of Serbia and the Federal Ministry of Justice and Police of Switzerland.
The goal of the project is to overcome the problems that arise during the migrant crisis, which are important for fixing i
improving the position of the population of migrants and asylum seekers.