Serbian-Croatian relations
As a factor of regional stability

CHDR in the mission of fostering regional cooperation
Serbian-Croatian relations in the 20th century. century
The Center for History, Democracy and Reconciliation held 15 international scientific meetings “Serbian-Croatian relations in the 20th century” .
Traditionally, these gatherings are held in Golubić , municipality of Obrovac, in the Republic of Croatia, at the end of August every year.
Serbian-Croatian relations as an imperative of regional cooperation
Through its work, CHDR supports the process of regional stability and reconciliation both on a scientific and cultural level, as well as on a political level.
By expanding the network of scientists, we are creating a solid educational and scientific community that is ready to support the mentioned process.
The process of regional stability and reconciliation within the framework of Serbian-Croatian relations includes:
- the apologies of the presidents for the crimes committed during the wars,
- formation of interstate parliamentary groups that will support the reconciliation process,
- formation of commissions that will objectively deal with wars and whose research results will be binding for states
- strengthening interstate cooperation and trust on the basis of supporting projects that have as one of their goals the strengthening of cooperation and the establishment of better political relations.
Croatian-Serbian relations as one of the important factors of regional stability policy
Since Croatian-Serbian relations played one of the key roles in the processes of the creation and dissolution of the Yugoslav states, we considered it necessary to pay more attention to them.
We received our first support in the world of politics from Janko Veselinović , the first president of the parliamentary group of friendship with the Republic of Croatia in the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia.

Why Serbian-Croatian relations in Golubić?
In the first half of 2008 Janko Veselinović proposed that one of our scientific gatherings be held in his native village of Golubić, and that the topic be Croatian-Serbian relations .
Golubić is a Dalmatian village between the Northern Velebit and the canyons of the Krupa and Zrmanja rivers. It belongs to the municipality of Obrovac and Zadar County. According to the population census from 2001. year, the village had 36 inhabitants. Ruins of houses, a lot of goats and a few donkeys in the shade, an old school without windows, doors and electricity. These are all the conditions we found back in 2008. years.
The lack of elementary conditions for holding a meeting in this small Dalmatian village forced the search for another solution.
Thanks mostly to Janko’s persistence, and then to our willingness to experiment with new ideas and challenges, and to introduce something new in the field of organizing emergency meetings, the organization of the first meeting was nevertheless started.”Serbian-Croatian relations in the 20th century. century” exactly in Golubić.
Then, for the first time, twelve scientists from the area of the former Yugoslavia and from the USA met in that returning village hidden from important roads.
The conclusions that were reached at that time were reflected in the gatherings that followed for the next fifteen years, primarily due to morally unacceptable oscillations in the improvement of Croatian-Serbian relations.
"Serbian-Croatian relations" 15 years later
15 years later, this village has over 100 inhabitants, and thanks to our scientific gatherings, the local elementary school was renovated.
An integral part of each of our scientific gatherings is an open session for the local population and the media.
On the basis of a large number of thematic lectures in the field of tourism and agro-economy, the return of refugees and sustainable development in the north of Dalmatia are encouraged.
Our gatherings have become a place for cooperation between Serbian and Croatian politicians, scientists and representatives of minority communities, as well as a place for exchanging ideas.
As one of the key indicators that we are doing the right thing and that our efforts are not in vain even after 15 years, the declaration on cooperation was signed. Namely, at the meeting “Serbian-Croatian relations in the 20th century” held in August 2022. , the declaration on the cooperation of Serbs in Croatia and Croats in Serbia was initialed . The declaration was initialed by Tomislav Žigmanov , president of the Democratic Union of Croats of Vojvodina, and Milorad Pupovac , president of the Independent Democratic Serbian Party in Croatia.

The meetings held on Croatian-Serbian relations have the task of connecting and strengthening the following structures:
- to strengthen the ties of the scientific community of the two countries by encouraging topics that are relevant to Serbian-Croatian relations;
- in addition to scientific papers dealing with the political history of two peoples, encourage the writing of scientific papers related to the development of the economy (agro-economics, rural tourism…) and their presentation to the local population, which contributes to sustainable development in the area of meetings;
- to establish communication and cooperation between scientists and politicians when it comes to improving Serbian-Croatian relations;
- to give support to political actors who support the policy of reconciliation. Accordingly, to establish cooperation between Serbian and Croatian parties representing those national communities in Croatia and Serbia;
With the support of local authorities, who felt the importance of these gatherings for the improvement of inter-ethnic relations, “Serbian-Croatian relations in the 20th century” became politically and socially applicable from the local community to the international level.
Accordingly, a sister NGO , the Association for History, Cooperation and Reconciliation (AHCR), was founded in Golubić.
Our coordinated work enables easier preparation of gatherings. The realization of the ultimate idea has approached its maximum – to establish a solid connection between scientists and politicians at all levels in order to implement a policy of reconciliation and normalization of coexistence from the local to the interstate level.
In the organization of these gatherings , the Independent Democratic Serbian Party and the Democratic Alliance of Croats in Vojvodina provide us with selfless support.
With us are the local authorities in Obrovac and the Council for National Minorities of the Republic of Croatia .
Support for a certain number of meetings was provided by: the Commissariat for Refugees and Migrations of the Republic of Serbia , the Fund for Refugees, Displaced Persons and for Cooperation with Serbs in the Region , the Croatian National Council , the Administration for Cooperation with the Diaspora and Serbs in the Region , the Balkan Trust for Democracy and the Institute for Historical Justice and Reconciliation .

Croatian-Serbian relations; networking as a potential for strengthening the position of national minorities in Europe – Golubić 2023
The 16th international scientific meeting in Golubić (Croatia) was held in the period from 24 until the 28th August 2023 years. The organizers of the meeting are the Center for History, Democracy and Reconciliation from Novi Sad and the Association for History, Cooperation and Reconciliation from Obrovac.

Declaration on cooperation between Serbs from Croatia and Croats from Serbia
Statement for the media on the occasion of the signing of the Declaration on the Cooperation of Serbs from Croatia and Croats from Serbia, in Zagreb on the 6th. January 2023 year, which was initially initialed with the end
last August (2022), at the traditional international gathering in Golubić near Obrovac, Croatia, organized by the Center for History, Democracy and Reconciliation.

Heroization and political myths in political relations between Serbia and Croatia – Golubić 2022
The 15th international scientific meeting in Golubić (Croatia) was held in the period from 25 until the 28th August 2022 years. The organizer of the meeting is the Center for History, Democracy and Reconciliation from Novi Sad with the support of the Association for History, Cooperation and Reconciliation from Obrovac.

Initialed declaration on the cooperation of Serbs from Croatia and Croats from Serbia
During the 15 of the international scientific meeting “Serbian-Croatian relations”, the Declaration on cooperation between Serbs from Croatia and Croats from Serbia was initialed.

Croatian-Serbian relations – issues of national minorities, political myths, dominant narratives and the culture of memory – Golubić 2021
The 14th international scientific conference in Golubić was held from 23 until the 26th August 2021 years. This year’s meeting was entitled “Croatian-Serbian relations – issues of national minorities, political myths, dominant narratives and the culture of memory”. The organizers of the meeting were the Center for History, Democracy and Reconciliation from Novi Sad and the Association for History, Cooperation and Reconciliation from Obrovac.

Serbian-Croatian relations: Extremism as a factor in the destabilization of the region – Golubić 2020
The thirteenth international scientific meeting on “Serbian-Croatian relations” was held in the form of an internet conference on 24 August 2020 years. The organizers of the meeting – Darko Gavrilović in front of the Center for History, Democracy and Reconciliation and Janko Veselinović in front of the Association for History, Cooperation and Reconciliation – traditionally traveled to Golubić to host the conference from the Golubić school.